Republican Television and Radio Broadcasting Corporation: Inventions and Intentions
It has been much written, both positive and negative views, about the Kazakhstan Republican Television and Radio Broadcasting Corporation which in its new role has not celebrated its first anniversary yet. For this reason Mrs. Beketova’s surname is now most popular, a buzz word, creating more than enough myths and speculations around her.
But today we will speak about intentions – not inventions – of the corporation headed by Leila Beketova. Our desk received the exclusive right to publish the report of David Witherow from the BBC Worldwide Service about the first steps of the TRBC RK towards global broadcasting level.
Facsimile message of December 13, 1994
Kazakhstan, Almaty
To: President of the Republican Television and Radio Broadcasting Corporation of Kazakhstan Mrs. Beketova
Dear Mrs. Beketova!
I am sending you my report which you, hopefully, find interesting and useful. Please let me know if you would like to make any changes, amendments or explanations to it.
As far as my further plans are concerned, I understand that the BBC Worldwide Service is ready to seek financial support from our government in order to continue its work in the light of my recommendations. However, seeing the things more realistically, it has to be said that we will only be able to receive a part of the funds needed for performance of the whole work; at least this is the situation we face in this fiscal year which ends on March 31, 1995. As for me, I would propose the following plan of actions (in priority order):
- Forward to you a consultant to help you formulate personnel policy and procedures. I consider availability of such policy and procedures to be the cornerstone of the Corporation development.
- Forward to you a television consultant in order to work out subjects set forth in paragraph 6.2 of my report – TV programs and programming schedule.
- Forward to you a financial expert to help you formulate the financial and accounting policy and procedures, give initial instructions to the head of the finance department.
- Additionally; We may, at the BBC’s expense, provide certain assistance and exchange of opinions regarding the future constitution and draft law “On Mass Media”.
Please let me know your opinion regarding the next steps for the proposed plan.
Meanwhile let me thank you for the opportunity to conduct this work and for assistance and concern from you and your colleagues. I will follow the development of your organization with great interest; if I have such opportunity I will be glad to visit Kazakhstan once again to see with my own eyes how you progress. I wish you success in your great and important endeavors.
David Witherow,
Training Department of the BBC Worldwide Service
Report by D.M. Witherow on visiting the Republican Television and Radio Broadcasting Corporation of Kazakhstan, November 1994
Under the auspices of the Training Department of the BBC Worldwide Service I visited Almaty between November, 22 and 30 1994 in order to conduct a brief “diagnostic survey” of position of the Republican Television and Radio Broadcasting Corporation of Kazakhstan and prepare an expert report for the President of the corporation, Leila Beketova. The most focus was given to operation of television, rather than to operation of radio, however the following key aspects concern the Corporation as a whole.
I would like to express my profound gratitude to Mrs. Beketova and her senior employees not only for the time devoted to me but also for openness during our discussions. The information I received helped me formulate my point of view and form the basis of my proposals.
2.1. The Kazakhstan Republican Television and Radio Broadcasting Corporation is a very young organization which faces significant changes. The Corporation was created by the President’s Decree of April 1994 and took over the functions of national broadcasting which in the past (after the break-up of the Soviet Union) had been performed by the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company that referred to the relevant government department. Although the Corporation was created in April its legal status has not been established yet and is at the stage of discussion.
At the same time new legislation is being developed which will define the framework of operation of television and radio broadcasting companies in Kazakhstan.
2.2. The issues which the new government faces are confusing and complicated, and sometimes frightening. Inflation put the Corporation face to face with the financial crisis. The equipment of the Corporation is mostly outdated and unreliable. There is lack of experienced employees and skills, and talent drain continues. It is clear that there is a need in leadership training at all levels. All this is happening in the situation when the organization tries to tap into its market in the unprecedented environment of competition on the part of the private sector and satellite broadcasting.
2.3. However, I was pleasantly surprised at the President’s enthusiasm with which she followed the way of reorganization, and her commitment to creation of national broadcasting which is intended to become a great and positive power in the young republic. This report is inevitably focused on the problems and difficulties, so I cannot but note what a lasting impression her deep understanding of the situation and intention to take necessary steps produced on me.
2.4. The requirements of the situation are deep and far-reaching: from large-scale technical refit to improvement of professional and management skills at all levels.
2.5. First of all, however, the Corporation has to establish:
– its constitutional status
– financing method
– its place and role in the new situation.
3.1. A solution on three issues which will define the future of the organization has to be found within a relatively short period. And finding the right solutions on these issues is of much more importance than starting to work on a number of immediate internal concerns.
President of the Corporation and her colleagues are aware of these issues, and they are already trying to find the solutions. I will also venture to speak on those issues which are interconnected and need to be considered at the same time.
3.2. Constitutional and Legal Status
The process of legislation development on mass media has already begun and is expected to come into effect in 1995. The legislation will apply to all broadcasting stations of Kazakhstan regardless of financing methods. It would be improper of me to recommend the most acceptable form of legislation for Kazakhstan at today’s stage of the republic development. But I strongly believe that the republic is in need of a national broadcasting organization carrying the public role, organization, setting the goal of serving to the entire Kazakhstan society, rather than to one group whether governmental, political or commercial. Kazakhstan is a multinational state in need of broadcasting which, on the one hand, could bring together the entire population, and on the other hand, would guard the interests of minorities. The republic is in need of well established education service both in conventional education areas and in adaptation to arising concepts of democracy and market economy. It is clear that there is a need in the authoritative presentation of accurate and impartial news containing expert analysis and explanations intended to give people an opportunity to form their point of view and make an informative choice.
All this strengthens my arguments in favour of such national broadcasting organization which has the appropriate budget and uses support both at all authority levels and in the society. The legislation status must determine the position in such organization.
It is reasonable of the Corporation to get actively involved into the process of legislation development. A great amount of work has been done including studying constitutions and laws of other countries. If needed, I and my colleagues from the BBC will always be able to help with advice or give an estimate to any projects.
3.3. Financing
In order to perform its obligations the national broadcasting corporation is sure to require a source of adequate and permanent financing. The Corporation assumes that a part of the funds will be obtained from the state (and even better – directly from the public by way of some licensing fee), and through commercial activity and advertising. The commercial activity, despite its importance, at least in the short term, will only satisfy a small part of the Corporation’s needs. Although the BBC does not transmit advertising, it performs significant commercial transactions some of which make high profits. However, the revenue from these transactions amounts to no more than 5-6% of the BBC’s annual budget. In the case of the Kazakhstan Corporation advertising can significantly increase its proportion, but the actual growth of revenue from advertising will depend on the ability of the Corporation to expand and reserve a great part of listeners and viewers. I believe that in the foreseeable future the Corporation (or, if this happens, – the Company) will have to rely on substantial state grants. I also believe that the Corporation should seek to obtain grants in the amount of 75-80% of the required sum, and rely on revenues from commercial activity which may prove to be infeasible.
3.4. Position and Role
As the BBC founder, John Reith, defined it, the main role of an organization of public broadcasting is to carry information, educate and entertain. In the broad meaning this definition stays on. However, in today’s environment of competition when the information market is top-full, the national organization utilizing state grants can justify its existence by that it does what nobody would do if broadcasting were left for farming to commercial interests.
The national broadcasting service must be available to all residents of the state, not only to residents of the city. This service should broadcast for minorities, where necessary, – in their languages. This service should broadcast for the old and young; it should educate, reflect cultural wealth, support the art and, finally, serve as a reliable source of information.
But at the same time this service should be more popular. Generally speaking, its existence will depend on public support, and this means that it has to be available to the majority of population, and its audience has to be significantly broad.
It is critical to win trust; acquire value, increase revenues. At present, according to the available data, the Corporation’s audience in the municipal centers of the Republic has been reduced, and it appears that this process continues. The Corporation cannot afford being a service for cultural or other minorities, whatever important they are. The Corporation should win over broad audience of the public.
In order to be competitive some improvements and developments are required. Among them is one of our today’s priorities! Namely, to expand covering of channel two (approximately) from today’s 27% up to 80 or 90%.
This will help to arrange the programming schedule on both channels so that they supplement each other making it possible for channel one to increase the portion of popular programs during rush hours. The whole organization should be more consumer-oriented. This will require more information about the audience, more research in requests, preferences and views of the audience regarding programs.
The Corporation can use its strengths to become the true voice of Kazakhstan, serve the entire society, embodying a mirror to the entire nation which reflects all cultural diversity. One should use regional resources in collecting news for national broadcasting in order to provide the fullest picture of what is happening in the Republic, which competitors cannot do. One should also expand covering in the national air both regional and international problems. One should not forget about sports: sport is also included in the role of national broadcasting and has more attraction for broad audience.
4.1. I have already noted how much has been done and is being done in the field of the Corporation restructuring. Almost all new senior management is already in place, and upcoming incorporation will help to perform further development of the policy and plans of the new team.
4.2. Financial Management
The Corporation faces a great task of replacing the old finance structure and practice inherited from the State Corporation.
4.3. Personnel Policy
The Corporation is in need of implementing a new personnel policy meeting the requirements of modern broadcasting. Such policy – widely promulgated and correctly understood – is also essential for increase of the management competence and creation of such environment in which professionalism and disciplined approach to work are perceived as the norm. This policy is the cement which holds together the organization making all its elements act in agreement, not disparately.
5. AIR
5.1. In general, the organization needs improvement of professional standards: anyone who is involved in putting the programs in the air must demonstrate their commitment to success (sometimes in unfavourable conditions!), be proud of their work and understand their roles in serving the society. It is not easy for the organization to perform such cultural reframing.
5.2. Programs and Making the Programming Schedule
The President reasonably puts this issue in the first priority. I believe that the Corporation should take steps in order to enhance its television rating. There is a number of areas of focus, but – and it is inevitable! – the lack of funds limits the field of activity.
5.3. Journalism
High quality journalism should underlie the national broadcasting. I was greatly impressed by the work conducted by the director of “Habar” – a central television information agency – to improve the wellness of her program. She faces big problems: outdated equipment and employee turnover. The priority task here, in my opinion, should be provision of new equipment, and training and development of “Habar” employees so that this television agency could secure its position and provide reliable striking “blocks” in the programming schedule. Of course, outside assistance may be provided for the training of journalists, but, as I became aware, the Corporation already conducts work in this area, at present I do not give any recommendations on this issue.
6.1. Overview of the technical condition
A large part of the equipment of the Corporation needs replacement. The Technical Department has already performed a profound inspection and developed an updating and refitting program. This program can be implemented by means of a big loan. Some equipment meeting the highest standards has already been purchased.
6.2. There is an attractive and far-reaching plan of using the satellite “INTELSAТ VII” next year to distribute programs among local rebroadcasting transmitters and allow direct satellite transmission with parabolic dish-antennas of relatively small diameter (70 or 90 cm). It is an important aspect of the Corporation development. Upon completion of upgrading the local transmitters it will become possible to provide republic-wide broadcasting covering on channel two, which will bring significant dividends both in collecting news and in exchange of programs. This is supposed to become a source of the needed income.
I am grateful for the opportunity to become familiar with the Corporation at this stage of its development. I sympathize with your problems. (All organizations of public and state broadcasting face difficulties; they only differ by how they are big and acute.) I admire your efforts intended to overcome the difficulties you face. I hope that I managed to do my bit in this process but it is clear to me that in the long run the future of the Corporation depends on the managers and employees of the Corporation. I wish you all success.